时间:4/19 22:32

Your application for admission to my love has been
given careful consideration. I regret to advise you
that I am unable to offer you admission and realize
this news will be a disappointment to you. Due to
restrictions of the law (one husband & one wife)
and time support, I must sometimes refuse even highly
qualified applicants.
Thank you for your interest in my love. I wish you
every success in your future endeavours.


回复列表 (11)
#1 唉~~~~~又是这首歌
[泡泡 4/19 23:45]
#2 这不是歌!
[香香酷 4/20 14:47]
#3 那是什么?
[竹泪 4/20 14:55]
#4 我不懂
[寂寞化石 4/20 15:42]
#5 我也不懂~呵呵呵呵呵~!~
[香香酷 4/20 17:06]
#6 我也是 我们都太小了
[冰岛幽魂 4/20 19:49]
#7 以下引用香香酷的内容: 我也 ..
[寂寞化石 4/20 20:18]
#8 可这里不是灌水的地方呀
[冰岛幽魂 4/20 20:22]
#9 可以等会翻译的人来理解嘛!
[香香酷 4/20 20:52]
#10 去请一个 向丸子报销
[寂寞化石 4/20 21:10]
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