时间:12/1 08:15

让一让。这时上来了一个肥肥的外国老太太,四十多岁的年纪,嘴里说着“the seats are free”走了过来,非常嚣张得把手里的扇子往桌上一扔,大大咧咧地就要占坐。我们旁边的座位上还放着包,而且已经有人要坐下了。于是,我和她发生了冲突。

  “What are you doing here? Someone else will sit here soon.”

  “My husband, my daughter and I are fin**** seats to have lunch. We want to sit here.”

  “There’re only two seats, how can three people sit here? And I have told you someone else will be sitting here soon.”但这时,原来要坐在这里的人已经悄悄地去了别的座位。

  “I don’t care. We do want to sit here. Two of us sit to eat and one can stay.”

  “Look for your own seats anywhere in this restaurant, BUT NOT HERE BESIDE US.”

  这时,老太太的女儿走了过来, “Mum, this is China.”

  “What are you saying?Yes, this is China, so you must apologize!”

  老毛 ..
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回复列表 (2)
#1 好文
[屡战屡败 12/2 12:06]
#2 。   2、她觉得自己应该 ..
[可心天使 12/3 19:19]


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