时间:3/13 09:59
nal traits: Appearing formidable and thick-skinned, Cancerian\'s have an unemotional demeanor, appearing uncompromising and obstinate. This is the facade they use to mask an insecure nature. In fact, the overall nature of Cancerians is deeply emotional. Their intimates, however, may see a different character, one with sympathy and sensitivity to other people, especially those they love. Cancer is a tenacious, purposeful, energetic, shrewd and intuitive type.
In their personal relationships they are a mixture of toughness and tenderness. Emotional, romantic and sentimental on one side, and tenaciously possessive and loyal on the other side.
Profession: Always interested in what people are thinking, they have an intuitive sense that makes them good journalists, writers or politicians. They do well in the public sector, and may serve in anything from welfare and nursing to catering.
薛之谦、马天宇 、许巍 、张嘉倪、张学友、优香(冈部广子)、藤原纪香、汤姆·汉克 ..
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回复列表 (4)
#1 这么详细~·
[汐 3/13 11:22]
#2 受人之托。忠人之事
[贫僧最爱海飞丝 3/13 11:26]
#3 :m-sweat:大叔你怎么么懂我滴 ..
[凮残あ淩度 3/13 18:52]
#4 :m-sweat:大叔你怎么么懂我滴 ..
[凮残あ淩度 3/13 18:53]
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