时间:3/13 09:57
ut never get involved emotionally. Aquarians are usually intelligent, cool, clear, logical people.
They have good imaginations and are quite intuitive.
Aquarians are an enigma. On one hand they are warm, kind, and outgoing, the sort to make friends easily and willingly. On the
other hand, they are quite aloof people, who do not actively seek out relationships, and resent any infringement on their time or
resources.Among the faults, which are typically Aquarian, are extreme eccentricity, and an unwillingness to participate in any
standard of protocol.
Profession: Aquarius make excellent researchers and admirable scientists, especially astronomers and natural historians.
今年财运不错。受到木星的关照,可能是投资上有些好运,也可能是兼职的工作收入增加,偏财运特别好,不无小补! ..
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