标题:Ashes and Snow~尘与雪
时间:7/26 18:52

Ashes and Snow 又名: 尘与雪 / 灰烬与雪导演: 格利高里·考伯特 Gregory Colbert 主演: 人类 动物上映年度: 2005年语言: 英语   制片国家/地区: 美国

难以说是连续的情节,却被内在一以贯之的的某种东西感动着 每一帧都足以撼动内心最柔软的角落无我的合一里 舞蹈是信仰 是狂欢 是消弭 是重生无以言表
If you come to me at this moment   Your minutes will become hours   Your hours will become days   And your days will become a lifetime   To the Princess of the Elephants   I dissapeared exactly one year ago   On that day, I received a letter   It called me back to the place where my life with the Elephants began   Please forgive me for the silence between us has been unbroken for one year   This letter breaks that silence   It marks the first of my three hundred and sixty five letters to you   One for each day of silence   I will never be more myself, than in these letters   They are my maps of the bird path   And they are ..


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[kitty 7/26 18:58]


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